Archive for July 6th, 2012

View NE partway up Kehlstein, Bavaria

Posted Under: 360° Panorama, Bavaria, Berchtesgadener Land, Eck, Europe, Germany

360° VR panorama looking out north-east from part way up Kehlstein, in Bavaria, Germany. Kehlstein is a 1,834 m subpeak of the Hoher Göll mountain. Although this panorama was taken relatively low down on the mountain, a break in the tree cover provides good views.

In the image you can see the town of Anzenbach in the valley below, with the mountains Kneifelspitz to the north-east, and Rauher Kopf to the north-west. The hillside of Kehlstein is mostly covered with Fir trees, but in this clearing you can see a variety of trees and plants growing.